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Khooni Dracula (1992)
Cast:Β Sonia Thakur, Kaushal Singh, Usha Singh, Kiran & Amrit Pal as Dracula
Director:Β Harinam Singh
Synopsis:Β Rubber faced Dracula attacks ugly, frumpy maids while they bathe – sleazy!

Khooni Dracula is an utterly atrocious excuse of a movie that perfectly illustrates the level to which Bollywood Horror has plunged over the last decade or so. The movie’s production values are virtually nil with bit comedian Birbal being the only β€œstar” name that anyone would have recognized – they could not even afford an Anil Dhawan or a Navin Nischal or even a Deepak Parashar.

To even attempt to explain the β€œplot” of this disaster of a movie is flattering it considerably, however for the record its basically about an evil fat uncle who rapes and then murders his maid having had a little too much to drink one dark stormy night. The blood that flows from the maids’ wounds somehow flows into the waiting mouth of Dracula who by coincidence is buried directly below her. This reawakens the ghastly rubber faced Dracula who proceeds to behave rather like a bottled genie in that he is now the slave of his murderous fat master. And so, this heinous blimp sends his rubber-faced assassin to murder and rape upon his command.

The film is basically a series of cheaply staged set pieces involving some dowdy women disrobing in order to have their beauty baths. Time and again some less than voluptuous dame must remove her clothing and the audience treated to numerous shots of underwear and close ups of stretch marked bums, back rolls and folds of flesh.

Rubber face Dracula has a penchant for turning up when the nubile young things are dis-robed and proceeds to feel them up heartily before plunging his rubber teeth into their leathery skin. There are various sub plots that are drawn together by the Dracula crisis. There is wastrel of a brother whose family is starving while he idles his time away playing cards with his loutish friends. However, one lecture from sis reforms him and he strides purposefully thereafter though still without luck on the job front.

There is the heroic young police officer who is determined to stop the Khooni Dracula but relies heavily on his girlfriend’s encyclopaedic knowledge about β€œDraculas” in order to lay his trap. There is the ruthless, evil and fat uncle who harbours a dark secret and is the man who is responsible for a long list of deaths of young bathing beauties all over the land. And then there is the Khooni Dracula himself – a sight for sore eyes, wandering around in his ridiculous rubber mask, flowing black robe and rather distinguished if a little moth eaten black top hat. The shining white slip-on shoes are certainly in keeping with the rather fashionable image he has created for himself.

This film has no redeeming features other than a quite brilliant theme song that has been incorporated into the film at those moments when old rubber face is on the prowl. The lyrics of the song are quite superb and the tune itself is also mesmerizing. It is good to see that our Khooni Dracula is a man of taste as he is seen wearing rather stylish White slip-ons while chasing around for some frumpy bathing maid in some low-income part of town. The acting by the entire cast is an embarrassment and it does not come as much of a surprise that none of the cast has been heard of ever since this movie was released.

The songs too are putrid though there is one quite stunningly cheap β€œkudiye” party number where the β€œyoungsters” are letting off some steam at one of the cheapest looking parties ever before Khooni Dracula gate-crashes and spoils the fun. Bollywood horror does not really get much lower than this though this is certainly no worse than the equally dreadful work of notoriously tawdry directors like Jitendra Chawda for example.

KD is so utterly cheap and tacky that one could almost mistake it a Lollywood Pashto film – only that the girls are minute compared to the healthy girls employed in the Pashto movies. KD is utterly devoid of any merit (other than the theme song) and is so utterly atrocious that the mind boggles as to whom watches these films out of choice? Other than sick, twisted, warped individuals like us.

The sheer dreadfulness of this movie and others of a similar ilk is quite stunning – and then one discovers that films as this rock bottom stinker do rake in the bucks. No wonder horror films get a bad name – this is little more than an excuse to show a bit of rather unattractive naked flesh. Woeful, lamentable and truly wretched – the question is, can Bollywood horror get any worse (answer: Yes…. just try watching something by Jitendra Chawda and friends).

Music & Visuals


Rubber faced Dracula attacks ugly, frumpy maids while they bathe - sleazy!

Total Rating

Killer Rat

The Armchair Critic

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